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Pawnee County Memorial Hospital


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Wear A Mask To Protect Yourself And Others


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Wearing a mask is not only important, it’s life-saving.

You may be a carrier of COVID-19 and be asymptomatic. By wearing a mask you’re stopping the spread and protecting others.

Tips for safely putting on and taking off a mask:

  • Only touch the ear loops when putting on a mask
  • Avoid touching the front of the mask or your face
  • Wear your mask above your nose
  • If possible, wear glasses to protect your eyes
  • When removing your mask, use the ear loops to remove
  • Place your mask on a clean tissue or paper towel face down
  • Wash and dry your homemade mask daily. The heat of your dryer helps to disinfect your mask. If you wear a surgical mask, wear a new one daily

Please do your part. Wear a mask.



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