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Pawnee County Memorial Hospital


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Bug Bites

By Dr. Kent Niss

Summertime brings a lot of fun and enjoyment, but it can also bring some annoying critters: chiggers, ticks, flies and mosquitos. These are the four insects that can commonly ruin a summer. There are many ways to avoid letting these guys ruin your day, but it is also good to know that some of them can cause significant diseases. Particularly ticks and mosquitos can cause some serious conditions such as Lyme disease or West Nile.

Mosquitos are very common during the summer months and are found often around water. These insects bite and can cause a local reaction that can appear like a hive. However, mosquitos can transmitter diseases through their bites as well. One of the more common diseases from mosquitos in our area is West Nile Virus and this year the virus has already been isolated in areas of our state. West Nile, unfortunately, does not have a specific treatment, but instead requires symptomatic management. The symptoms of West Nile are very similar to the common cold or influenza, however, are usually more prolonged and have the potential to be more severe. Therefore, prevention and avoidance can be the best management strategy.

Tick bites are one of the most asked about rash or insect bite during the summer. Although there are several diseases that can be associated with tick bites, the vast majority of tick bites only cause a local irritating reaction. Keeping in mind that if a tick does bite you, removing it completely as soon as possible will limit the likelihood of disease.

There are many ways to keep insects away and off of our skin in the summertime. A very effective way is to wear lightweight long-sleeved clothing. Certainly, you can also utilize insect repellants such as DEET or permethrin. Although these are both generally accepted as safe, it is always good to have options for deterring insects. Deterring mosquitos in particular can be done with citronella, cinnamon oil, lemon oil or even portable mosquito repellants such as a thermacell. The effectiveness of these is variable. Also, for mosquitos and flies a light breeze or using a fan can help keep these off of you. Permethrin can be a great deterrent for chiggers and ticks and is simply applied to your clothes rather than your skin. If you are a person who spends a lot of time outside, particularly in tall grass or trees, permethrin may be an excellent option to consider.

Even though there are many things that can be done to avoid insect bites, it is inevitable that they will occur. Most often the local reaction that occurs on your skin (rash) is self-limited and will go away on its own, but it can be annoying. You may use things such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) ointment, cortisone cream or even making a mixture of baking soda and water to place on top of the rash. All of these are safe to due for a short period of time. However, if the rash is lasting longer than you feel it should or you begin to develop fever, body aches or chills then you should have it evaluated by a medical provider.

Summer is a time when memories are made and fun is had, try some of the above steps to help avoid insects from ruining it!